The theme for the Christmas eve service is Christ's Presence Brings Us Peace.
The Word Offers True Comfort Care I: The Flesh seeks to be comfortable II: The Soul is comforted in Christ
Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. Pastor had it ready on time I forgot to post it on Wednesday.
The Incarnation Redefines the Impossible I: The Impossible Mother II: The Impossible Son III: The Impossible Kingdom
The Infinite in the Infant I: Our Creator in the cradle II: Our Christ on the cross
A short Advent devotion to help you focus on the true meaning of the Christmas season. This week's devotion looks at the first of the names of Christ given to…
Jesus Our Savior and King is the Alpha and Omega who makes All Things New I: New Clothes II: New Relationship III: New Outlook
A Friend Indeed in Our Time of Need I: The weakness of the flesh II: The sympathy of our High Priest III: The Throne of His grace