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Worship Services

God Quiets My Separation Anxiety I: My Sin Cannot separate me from God 2. The world cannot separate me from God 3. Death cannot separate me from God
Christ Makes Your Sainthood More Than a Costume I: He Raises your miserable states by the forgiveness of Sin II: He sanctifies you to lead God-pleasing lives as His saints

We Follow One

October 28, 2024
We Follow One I: One Father II: One Teacher III: One Savior
In the Flames, We Find A Friend I: The World's Heat II: The Christian's Hope
God's Method for Mission Work is the Best Method. Text from the Book of Romans 10:11-17 Preaching today is Pastor Jonah Albrecht
The Main thing is the Gospel I: When preached in Suffering II: When preached in Strength III: When preached in selfishness
Old Testament Observations for New Testament Obstacles I: I have seen the wicked prosper (v. 35) II: I have not seen the righteous forsaken (v. 25) III: I will see…

Blessings from Our God!

September 22, 2024
Blessings from Our God! I: God's undeserved Love II: God's sacrificial Love III: God's Fellowship   Guest Pastor Terrel Kesterson
The Lord's Washing is "As Advertised" I: It is not extravagant II: It is not exaggerated III: it is not expensive
The Answer to All Anxiety is Christ! I: His way is the path to His Father's House II: His words bear the Truth of His Father's Word III: His works…