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Worship Services

God Wants you to Expect More I: More Than You Deserve II: More Than You Ask III: More Than You can Imagine

A Word Means the World

July 14, 2024
A Word Means the World, I: A Corrupt Word II: A Kind Word III: Christ's Word
Slaves of Righteousness Are Truly Free I: The false "freedom" of Sin II: The True freedom from sin III: The joyful freedom to serve
A Father to Be Thankful For I: Who Absolves You II: Who Admonishes You III: Who Adores You
I: Even When He is Unwanted II: Even when you are wanting
Justification Means "Nothing Owed" I: The Law Demands we pay more than we can II: The Gospel Declares that Christ Paid all I owe
The Triune God offers Threefold Gifts I: The Father's Keeping II: The Son's Grace III: The Spirit's Peace
Questions of Faith at the Crossroads of Life. I: Does this offend You? II: Will you also go Away? III: Did I not choose You?
Sit in Solomon's Court and Learn the Three Pillars on which His Verdict Stands.

Faith Works

May 5, 2024
Faith Works I: It works to show us the Truth II: It works to show us it is True III: It works to show us God is true
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