The Lord's Washing is "As Advertised" I: It is not extravagant II: It is not exaggerated III: it is not expensive
The Answer to All Anxiety is Christ! I: His way is the path to His Father's House II: His words bear the Truth of His Father's Word III: His works…
Jesus is the Captain of My Soul! I: Sin seeks to wrest control II: Christ gives rest to my soul
You are Christ's Ambassador to bring the message of reconciliation through Him I: Ambassadors to the unbelieving world II: Ambassadors to our fellow believers preaching today is Missionary Peter Evensen
A Jealous God for Juvenile People I: When you rebel, it will be miserable II: When you return, He will be merciful
Let the Joneses Win I: All They have is worthless II: The one thing you have is priceless
God Wants you to Expect More I: More Than You Deserve II: More Than You Ask III: More Than You can Imagine
Slaves of Righteousness Are Truly Free I: The false "freedom" of Sin II: The True freedom from sin III: The joyful freedom to serve
A Father to Be Thankful For I: Who Absolves You II: Who Admonishes You III: Who Adores You