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Worship Services

Enoch Was Not

May 21, 2023
Enoch Was Not I: Not a promise that we would be spared temporal death II: Not given eternal life because of his works III: Not the most important ascension
God’s Truth in Christ is the Thread that  Makes the Fabric of Society Strong  I: God’s grace weaves the motivation to live in service to our Lord  II: Sound doctrine…
A Little While Goes A Long Way I: A Little While With Jesus II: A Little While with the Spirit III: A Little While in the World
God Quizzes Questioning Christians I: "Who Is Like Me?" II: "Why Do you Say...?" III: "Have you not known and heard?"
Sacrificial Death + Empty Tomb = Rebirth for You I: You are born into genuine hope and an incomparable inheritance II: You are born into ongoing joy and purposeful trials…

Easter Sunday 2023

April 9, 2023
Jesus is Risen - Act Like It! I: Act Like He Will Keep His Word II: Act like nothing can stand in His Way III: Act Like You've Heard Great…

Palm Sunday Song Service

April 2, 2023
The Choir from our sister congregation at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Spokane Valley came to make our Palm Sunday celebration service even more enjoyable with all the choir songs they…
Vocabulary of the Cross March 29th, 2023 Vicarious Sermon text: Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray;  We have turned, every one, to his own way;  And the…

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