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Worship Services

What Jesus is Doing Now!
The Lord Makes Light of Death I: By lifting the burden of a heavy conscience II: By illuminating the oath to eternal life
The Provenance of Peace in Jesus’ Wounds I: Proves where He was II: Proves where He is III: Proves where we will be
The “No Doubt” Divinity of Jesus I: No doubt about its necessity II: No doubt about its truth III: No doubt about its comfort
When the Work Confirms the Word I: People of Nineveh’s contrition II: Queen of Sheba’s confession III: Jesus of Nazareth’s resurrection

Christians Run on Empty

April 17, 2022
Christians Run on Empty I: The empty power of a full tomb II: The full power of the empty tomb
Sermon Text: Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You…
4/6: “What is truth?” Pre-service meditation: Psalm 102 (TLH pg. 145) Hymns: 153, 721, 154 Text: John 18:37-38a Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered,…
Psalm 22: An Almanac for Atonement I: It predicted punishment II: It predicted praise III: It predicted passing down
3/30: “What then shall I do with Jesus?” Pre-service meditation: Psalm 130 (TLH pg. 153) Hymns: 159, 652 (vv. 1-3), 554 (vv. 1-2, 5-6) Text: Matthew 27:15-22 Now at the…