Don’t Be a DIY-er I: The Law came through Moses, which we can’t fulfill II: The Gospel comes through Christ, and has already been fulfilled
THE WORD OFFERS TRUE COMFORT CARE I. The flesh seeks to be comfortable II. The soul is comforted in Christ
Children of God Speak When Spoken To I: First, they hear what is said II: Then, they say what is heard
GRACE IS THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING I: God gives what you need to you II: God gives what others need through you
THE INS AND OUTS OF CHRIST’S REIGN I: INclusive, withOUT exclusion II: INdestructible, withOUT end III: INfinite, withOUT end
The Efficiency of Christ’s Sacrifice I: By One II: To all III: Forever
“You Are Right, Teacher” I: Right about what is expected in the Law II: Right by what You’ve accomplished in the Gospel