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Worship Services

Worthy is the Lamb!

March 10, 2024
Worthy is the Lamb! I: Who was slain II: Who has made us kings and priests III: To receive glory and honor   Sermon text: Revelation 5:8-14
Outside the Courtyard where Peter Wept Sermon text is from the book of Matthew 26:69-75
The Great Teacher Inspires I: A desire for truth II: A desire for mercy III: A desire for humility
The Lenten Series Theme for this is year Landmarks of the Passion. Tonight's sermon theme is The Garden of Prayer where God's Will was Done. Sermon text from the book…
The Cross Makes Sophomores of Us All I: It Reveals worldly wisdom to be foolishness II: It reveals God's foolishness to be true wisdom
The Lenten midweek sermon series is: Landmarks of the Passion The Lenten Sermon theme for tonight is:  The Hall of Caiaphas Where the Savior was Condemned The text for today…

Justification for All

February 18, 2024
Justification for All I: Boasting is excluded II: Everyone is included III: Redemption is concluded
Lenten service theme: Landmarks of the Passion Ash Wednesday theme: A House in Bethany Where Mary Showed her Love.

The Cross Awaits

February 11, 2024
The text for today comes from the book of Matthew 16:21-28 The Cross Awaits I: It awaited Jesus, who gave His life for you II: It awaits you, as you…
Proper Conditions for Preaching Christ I: Unreasonable Opposition II: Uncertain Outcome III: Unbridled Optimism
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