We Give Thanks - To God! I: For Every Thing II: On Every Day III: In Every Way
An Abiding Administration I: Man Perishes II: God Prevails III: Angels Praise
He Will Guard Th Feet of His Saints I: Saints Triumphant (Past) 2: Saints Militant (Present) 3: Saints expectant (Future)
The Church is Non-Perishable I: Babylon is falling II: The Gospel is everlasting
Christ's Fashion is Not a Fad I: Put off the old Man II: Put on the new man
Today's sermon theme is God's Breath Suffocates Death I: It Restores the Body II: It Revives the Soul III:It Reveals the Promise
The 4th Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” Preaching: Pastor Wayne Eichstadt Gethsemane Lutheran, Spokane Valley WA